We are a team of senior Electrical and Computer Engineering students at Lafayette College working together to develop AuBi. The entirely student-led creation, design, fabrication, and budgeting of our autonomous biometric robot parallels real-world projects by allowing us to apply theoretical principals to real-world problems.

Meet the Team

Name Home Town Area of Interest
Will Chabala San Ramon, California Embedded Design
Trey Fallon Falmouth, Maine Power Systems
Hayden Fisher Denver, Colorado Medical Device Engineering
Sanem Leblebici Mersin, Turkey Robotics and Embedded Design
Jordan Leiber Huntingdon Valley, Pennsylvania Embedded Design
GuoYuan Li ShenSchen, China Integrated Circuits
Jiaji Shen Zhangjiagang, China Machine Learning
Josh Virtell Andover, New Jersey Communication Networks
Yulin Zhou Shanghai, China Deep Learning
Harry Zhu Shanghai, China Power Electronics

*Click on each name to view their statement of individual goals

Leadership Structure

Project Managers

Hayden Fisher – Organizational Lead
Sanem Leblebici – Technical Lead

Budget Manager

Trey Fallon

Safety Officer

Josh Virtell

Sub-System Teams

Biometrics Lead: Yulin Zhou
Team: Jiajia Shen, GuoYuan Li, Hayden Fisher

Drive Systems Lead: Trey Fallon
Team: Will Chabala, Sanem Leblebici, Josh Virtell, Harry Zhu

External Communication Lead: Jiajie Shen
Team: GuoYuan Li, Yulin Zhou, Josh Virtell

Navigation Lead: Will Chabala
Team: Sanem Leblebici, Trey Fallon

Physical Design Lead: Jordan Leiber
Team:  Hayden Fisher, Sanem Leblebici, Harry Zhu

Power Distribution Lead: Harry Zhu
Wireless Charging Lead: Josh Virtell
Team: Will Chabala, Trey Fallon, Jordan Leiber

User Interface Lead: GuoYuan Li
Team: Yulin Zhou, Jiajie Shen, Jordan Leiber