Smart Goal Metrics Constraints
Travel to a specified location
  • The robot must have a variable speed up to the average walking speed (5 km/hr) verified by an external measurement.
  • The robot must move forward and backward as defined by the direction of the touchscreen.
  • The robot will have a turn radius less than the width of the 4th floor Acopian hallway.
  • The robot will consistently move to within 1 meter of the desired location with a standard deviation of no more than 0.5 meters
  • The robot must not rapidly accelerate or decelerate.
  • The robot must not cause inconvenience in its environment
  • Movement of the robot must not pose any dangers to the people around it
Travel to a specified tag
  • Robot must be able to acquire location of a non-stationary, wireless beacon
  • The Robot must be able to locate the tag with a minimum accuracy of 1 meter
  • The robot must arrive within 1 meter of the desired location with a standard deviation of no more than 0.5 meters
  • Accurate navigation system is required to navigate the robot within 3 meters of the location where the tag communicated with the robot
  • Tag system must have an location accuracy of 3 meters
  • Tag location system must be real-time
Intake and release cargo
  • Must be able to safely store and transport physical cargo while in operation. Damaged / lost goods are not tolerable.
  • An interaction survey will question whether the robot’s cargo is easily accessible, this must satisfy 85% of users.
  • Must release cargo to the specified user with a false acceptance rate of 0.01% and false rejection rate of 1%.
  • The cargo system must be within the robots size limits
  • The fingerprint scanner has a false acceptance rate of 0.001% and false rejection rate of 1%.
  • The fingerprint scanner can store 162 fingerprints through an external flash memory.
Convey information                         
  • The screen must support and be able to connect to the microcontrollers to display visual data; ability to provide audio output(built-in audio jack and speaker) is suggested
  • The latency of the touchscreen should be around 50-100 ms(i.e. capacitive LCD) to provide fast response, accurate sensitivity, and multi-touch
  • The screen should display general information such as maintenance data, weather, news, and food, etc. 
  • Information displayed must match the actual circumstances within a 5 minute update period 
  • Resolution should be around 1K or 1980×1080 so that contents can be accurately displayed
  • The touchscreen display must be 7” to 15” to match the size of the robot and easy to view from a distance of 0-1m.
  • The touchscreen must have an adjustable tilt angle from 0 to 75 degrees to provide comfortable viewing angles
  • The screen should not be unprotected or open-framed; glass should be toughened
Move in a pattern
  • Robot must be able to localize its position and pose within a pre-mapped environment
  • Accuracy of localization must be within 1 meter with a standard deviation of no more that 0.5 meters
  • Robot must be able to plan optimal Path to user/software-indicated destination.
    • Destination determined by preset pattern or by user request
    • Communicate path to drive system
  • Movement of the robot must not present any dangers to the people around it. Path must account for foot traffic
  • Wheels must be encoded for dead reckoning 
  • For proper dead reckoning, wheels mustn’t lost traction
  • UI system must communicate user-selected paths to navigation system
  • Beacon system must be able to broadcast “summon” signal.
Recognize users
  • The AuBi robot must be able to recognize the people who are saved to its biometrics library using a facial recognition algorithm. 
  • Performance should have an equal error rate of less than 5% meaning less than 5% of interactions will be false acceptances or false rejections. 
  • Biometric capability of the robot must include registering new users to the library as well as authorization of faces from the existing library items.
  • Proximity to the robot while performing recognition should be under 1m.
  • Face coverings must be removed during the recognition process.
Create interaction logs
  • The robot must record a log file that documents all the actions the robot has performed
  • For each action the robot recorded, it must include the detailed information. Including the time, the status of the action, the name of the operator, power status of the robot and other information about the task.
  • The log should have a unified format.
  • The log file must be easily accessible to administrators for regular checks and troubleshooting.
Charge itself wirelessly
  • There must be no connecting cables between the battery and the charging station.
  • The charging station must be waterproof and dust-proof.
  • The robot must move to the charging station by itself before it runs out of power.
  • The wireless charging must be able to power all subsystems with rechargeable batteries.
  • The wireless charging time must not exceed 8 hours.
  • The wireless charging must provide enough power for the fully charged robot for at least 3 hours.
  • The wireless charging must have safety protections to prevent potential threats.
  • The charging station must not block the hallway.
  • The power of the wireless charging depends on the power of other subsystems.
Be friendly & pretty
  • All exterior corners must be obtuse or rounded with radius greater than 3cm
  • A general physical design satisfaction survey (administered to community members e.g. students, professors, etc.) must report an overall satisfaction of 85%
  • A general interaction experience survey (administered to community members e.g. students, professors, etc.) must report an overall satisfaction of 85%
  • Robot must not exceed 0.5×0.5x1m
  • Fabrication of physical robot should not begin until design is reviewed by the community