First Impressions

Today, we arrived at Chicago! We took public transportation to our hostel and became acquainted with some of the areas surrounding downtown Chicago. We bought some groceries and made specific plans for the next few days. We all look forward to having a great week!

Safe arrival in the village!

I received an email from our contact at the bus company, and he informed me that the students arrived safely in Arutam village at 7:00 am yesterday morning without any  problems.  He will give me another update when they return to pick the students up next week!

Update from the bus company

I just received a message from my contact at the bus company. He also said the students all arrived safely at the airport and so did their luggage! His brother, the owner of the company, was there to meet them. That’s whose phone they used to call me. They were expected to arrive in the village at 7:00 am. I asked him to let me know if he hears anything else, and I’ll be sure to post again if I get new information!

Safe Arrival at the Airport!

The students have arrived safely in Quito and located their bus driver. They used his phone to call me! They are on their way to the village, and there is a possibility they will be able to make one call when they get there. I will post again if I hear from them!


The ASB trip to Ecuador will be leaving on Wednesday, January 13th. I will post another entry on this blog when the students have arrived safely!