On The Road

It is the eve of the trip and as our group sits in Hannah’s common room the scene is one of a group of friends hanging out like they have known each other forever rather than a bunch of kids who met each other a few months ago. We have already meshed really well and it bodes wonderfully well for the rest of the week. So at precisely 4:30 a.m. tomorrow morning we will load the vans up, head to the airport and FINALLY fly to New Orleans! There are definitely some nerves amongst the group, especially coming from Hannah as she prepares to lead her first group and from Mike and Rachel who are about to take a plane ride for the first time in their lives. As prominent as these nerves are the excitement definitely rules the group.

The group is chomping at the bit to get to New Orleans and get to work. While we really want to start building and make as much as an impact as possible, tomorrow’s flight is going to be very long and I am sure that by the time we land there will be some grumpy students ready to nap and get settled in. Once we get this first day out of the way there will be fresh faces, motivated to work and ready to explore the city.

Aside from wanting to help with Katrina relief,  I am super pumped to explore the city. Having never been further west in the United States than Pennsylvania I am looking forward to experiencing the atmosphere and culture of a new state. New Orleans is such a historically and culturally rich city that the experience is sure to be one that I will never forget. The part I am looking forward to the most is definitely the food, in fact I have one word to describe this excitement: Crocodile. Now that I have attempted to put my excitement and nerves into words it is time to hit the hay and prepare for the week ahead.