Let the Adventure Begin!

Only five more days until we leave for Tennessee; it’s crazy how fast the trip is approaching! With such a wide variety of service (homesteading, park preservation, and giving back to the Cherokee community) I’m not totally sure what to expect this week. We could rebuild homes and learn about the natural disasters that rip through the area, work to remove invasive species, or begin to learn about living off the land. Luckily we had the chance to talk with Professor Brandes about sustainable farming and water use, so our week of education and service has already begun.  Regardless of the adventures we embark on I know it’s going to be an amazing week for this entire ROOTS team, who has done a superb job preparing all fall. With the stunning Smokey Mountains as a backdrop and so much to learn from our hosts and the Cherokee community, I can’t wait to head out on this adventure and begin a memorable week of service in Tennessee!

New Homes

We started off the day with a lecture on the border wall and housing in the valley. One impact that stuck out was the ecological consequences of the wall; when a city in Mexico flooded, the wall prevented water from draining out and kept buildings underwater by feet, while the US side had basically no water. After the talk we went to a farmer’s market down the road from LUPE that had rows upon rows of clothing, veggies and knick-knacks. The market has been busy every day this week, like an outdoor mall. After another delicious home made lunch we headed to work on a neighborhood that’s being built for families in need of homes. The construction follows the same motto as LUPE’s other services: we do not do for others what they can do for themselves. So basically program builds homes for those in need, but requires that they put in work hours of their own. This gives the families a sense of ownership right off the bat when they move in. After the work day was done half of us headed back to LUPE for a youth meeting. It was amazing talking to people our own age about problems they have to deal with every day; getting work and not getting pulled over while driving are just two problems they face daily, in addition to fighting for immigration reform that could give them a pathway to citizenship. Hearing stories from people who are so relatable gives you a real sense of what’s really going on around the border. And finally our day was capped off with a visit from Penny, the adorable dalmation-mix puppy.

Flying out tomorrow!

After all our work this semester it’s finally time for Texas, and we’re less than a day from travel. We’ll leave Newark’s frigid temperatures tomorrow and arrive in warm San Juan by evening. I can’t wait to see firsthand everything we’ve been learning about and start working on our project. From our late nights selling coffee to getting lost in Philly on Midnight Run, we’re ready for a new challenge. I’m excited to do something new and learn from some incredible individuals, and it all starts tomorrow.