Old ‘Pard, New Tricks

Mara Natale, Team ‘POW! Senior reporting for reflection. As a senior it’s bittersweet that this week is my first and last ASB experience, but I’m happy to be squeezing a fresh experience out of my Lafayette experience.

Team ‘Pow got off to our usual start of cereal and banter before braving the NYC subway to start our service. My trio set out to deliver 21 meals today and the other pairs had roughly the same. Today we reclaimed the “W” in ‘POW! with the welcome addition of wheeling carts to aid in our treks. It was bitter cold and windy, but it reminded all of us to be thankful for the opportunities we had and our warm clothes. When we reflected as a group we all shared special moments we shared with the senior citizens we delivered meals to both today and on Sunday. Katy and I helped a very sweet woman with the simple task of opening a clogged tube of toothpaste. As I struggled we shared a pleasant conversation. This little chance I had to do something extra reminded me of the importance of human connection, a theme our team has been focusing on.

After lunch we bid a sentimental farewell to Prof. Root who helped guide our discussions, provide insight, and some NYC know-how. This evening Prof. Parrish came to replace him and we’ve already begun preparing for another exciting day of service by planning our meals, reviewing research we did at the NYC public library, and unwinding with the documentary Iris. I think all that’s left to say on behalf of team Pards on Wheels is… let the good times ROLL!