Land of the Free – Pre Post

I am currently sitting with my team in the airport waiting to board the plane and it still hasn’t set in that we’ll be in El Salvador in less than 6 hours.  I am so excited to just see another part of the world and to interact with the people there. I am so excited and I cannot wait to help out the community but also to learn from them. I see this trip as an opportunity to learn how others around this world live. With the research I have already done about El Salvador I have begun to see a lot of my privilege and believe it is crucial to expose yourself to more places to see how the rest of the world lives.  As an American and seeing globalization and the affect my country has had on the world around us, I believe that it is also my job to be just as influenced and affected by the rest of the world around me.  I see this as an opportunity to learn more about immigration issues and the daily struggle that people live with in El Salvador but also to just interact in the community and help out in whatever way I can be. I can’t wait until we get there and I know this will be a trip that will have a lasting impact on me.