Julieta’s Story


Listening to Julieta’s story was very moving. I feel that it was a good experience to sum u the week because it provided meaning to both the listeners and the teller, which is to say that it was mutually resonant. I hope that we have welcomed LUPE into our lives this past week as they have welcomed us into theirs. Thanks for a profound and amazing trip!






Today was particularly powerful. A specific moment that resonated with me was when we met the first colonia family. The daughter was living proof of what motivates LUPE volunteers to continue to promote immigration reform. Listening to her accomplishments and aspirations to obtain higher education was very moving, and the look on her mother’s face was one of strength and pride. It really put into perspective how important it is for future generations to be able to benefit from legislation such as deferred action because in the end the undocumented people are simply reamers striving for a better future.





I really enjoyed talking to the different families in the colonias and getting their perspective on immigration reform. It was also really interesting getting to see direct beneficiaries of the new legislation like the one high school senior who is now allowed to travel alone and go to college. It was also nice at the end of the day when we got to play with some of the kids from the after school program. Seeing how full of life they were and how much they seemed to like being these warmed my heart.


Si se puede


Today was particularly powerful to me. I admire these people so much and feel like they are giving me way more then I could ever pay back. Their sense of community and togetherness brings me an overwhelming sense of hope and joy. I feel that we are missing that sense of unity with the black community, across the oppressed minorities, and as humans in general. Why are we not bonding together? Furthermore, hearing the congressman speak really make me ponder the separation of minorities through we have many common goals. A lot of African-American people I know see Hispanics as very different from themselves. I appreciate the efforst of the congressman to bring the African-American, Hispanic, and Asian caucuses together.

The genuine warmth of the people is also really refreshing. Knowing the circumstances they may have at home and still seeing them smile makes me treasure the smallest blessings even more. So strong.

I do not pity them. They are surrounded by greatness and love. I look forward to helping and learning the rest of the week with this awesome ASB team.

In the words of JFK, “Do not pray for easy lives. Pray to be stronger men.”


La Frontera


I loved being at the “frontera” today! It really opened my yese listening to J.M. Texas is so pretty too! —-Steph




It was great taking a drive down to the beach and zoo today. I really enjoyed seeing more of Texas and comparing this state to home with my car. —-Christina