At the Immigration Center

Today was our first day of service on our trip, and it couldn’t have been more rewarding! Even though the past few days have been really fun, including a team trip to the beach and bonding during a game of laser tag, this has been my favorite day so far. We spent most of today in an immigration center helping families get clean clothes, their first shower in in days, warm food and medical care. These families had traveled up from countries like Guatemala and El Salvador, hundreds of miles from McAllen TX and even further from their final destinations around the US.


Seeing the the joy on the faces of these families at an opportunity to feel safe, comfortable and clean. Interacting with them throughout this experience in order to help find what they needed was difficult due to the language barrier but ultimately the most rewarding part of the day. I am so grateful to have been able to help this amazing organization even if it was only for today. I’m also so looking forward to the service we’re about to embark on at the IDEA school in the following days and the ways that these issues will continue to be a part of the service we do.