Pre-Trip Post

So it is now 11: 23 January 4th, 2012.  That means that in at this time in exactly 7 days we will be on the plane on our way to Haiti.  I still don’t think the reality of what we’re about to do has hit me yet.  Although I say it out loud,  I don’t think it will be real for me until we’re on the plane or even until we land in Haiti.  As I pack and get ready to leave, I can’t help but to think about all the things we will be able to do while we’re there.  I am probably the most excited for the people to people interactions we will have with the people in the area.  I am especially in love with our project and the fact that we’re building for widows and their children.  I’m hoping that it means that we will have opportunities to interact with them as well.  I definitely think this trip will be a trip that changes my life  and I can only imagine how eye-opening the experience will be.  I’m extremely excited and I hope to be the best volunteer I can be and learn as much as I can.  The last step:  Learning some Haitian Creole!