2 days, and 3 nights in

So far, I have reached a realization of two things that I personally have been afforded since we arrived on Saturday night in Virginia, at Camp Baker : 1) clarity, in terms of envisioning a more humane world, as well as, 2) anxiety, stress, in the best way possible, regarding my personal reflections and anticipations of the days that have yet to come.

In terms of the former, these people, these high-spirited, loving, authentic, and alternatively intelligent people, that just happen to have developmental disabilities, have most definitely opened new social vistas for me in regards to the impacts that they themselves have already made, and are going to continue making on this diverse group of 11 volunteers.

With that said, and considering the latter, I can’t wait for the rest of the week. Each day so far has been on a positive, upward incline, and I am looking forward to seeing how much I, and we, as a group, have matured by the end. And discussing the “then whats,” how the aforementioned maturance can be applied, and how our experiences can be used to foster a true, equal and just, humanity.