What a great way to end this long winter break! I can’t wait to be on the road this Saturday heading for the Smoky Mountains in order to help out members of the Cherokee community while also getting some cool experience homesteading and removing invasive species. I’m also really looking forward to getting to know my teammates more over this next week and bonding over our service while also learning about the history and culture of the region. Ideally well get to spend as much time outside as possible as I’ve heard the area we’re going to is beautiful.  I should probably start packing though because its getting pretty close to Saturday! Whoooo road trip!!!

ROOTS: ready to go!

I am so excited to leave for TN this Saturday; I’ve never been to this part of the country! I am looking forward to meeting members of the Eastern Band of Cherokee and spending some much-needed time outdoors. I have had so much fun getting to know my teammates this past fall so I know this trip is going to be amazing. I am eager to learn more about the customs and daily life of this culture. I know very little about the tribe, but I know I will learn a great deal as this week goes on. The Eastern Band of Cherokee avoided the Trail of Tears, which is why they are able to remain in North Carolina and Tennessee, along the Great Smoky Mountains. I am excited to see how they interact with their environment. I am eager learn about homesteading, help with trail repair, remove invasive species, interact with the community, and see what else our hosts have in store for us! Maybe we’ll get to do some hiking too! I hear we are going to learn some Cherokee games. Hopefully, we will learn more about their history and the Smoky Mountain region from their perspective! No matter what our hosts have planned, I know this will be a rewarding and unforgettable experience for all of us :D LET’S GO ROOTS!

We put the Ten in Tennessee!

As the trip swiftly approaches I’m getting more excited! The preservice information we learned concerning sustainability of food in the environment gave me great insight into what to look for in this environment. As a whole, my mind has been buzzing with curiosity and excitement ever since we finished our preservice. I’m excited to engage in all the service activity and also learning about the Cherokee way of life. It’s truly a once in a life time experience and I’m glad I get to spend it with all my awesome team members in a few days! Tennessee here we come!

Let the Adventure Begin!

Only five more days until we leave for Tennessee; it’s crazy how fast the trip is approaching! With such a wide variety of service (homesteading, park preservation, and giving back to the Cherokee community) I’m not totally sure what to expect this week. We could rebuild homes and learn about the natural disasters that rip through the area, work to remove invasive species, or begin to learn about living off the land. Luckily we had the chance to talk with Professor Brandes about sustainable farming and water use, so our week of education and service has already begun.  Regardless of the adventures we embark on I know it’s going to be an amazing week for this entire ROOTS team, who has done a superb job preparing all fall. With the stunning Smokey Mountains as a backdrop and so much to learn from our hosts and the Cherokee community, I can’t wait to head out on this adventure and begin a memorable week of service in Tennessee!

it’s that time already?

I can’t believe I leave for Tennessee in a week.  Where did December and all of January go?  I’m not complaining, though, because quite frankly I’m going stir crazy.  I’m so excited for ASB 2014.  I can already tell ROOTS is going to be an amazing trip.  I can’t wait to really get to know my team members, but most importantly, come to understand the lives of the Cherokee Indians that occupy the region we’ll be exploring.  I’ve really never studied anything pertaining to Native Americans, except of course how the white man pushed them out of their own territories.  I’m hoping to build unforgettable relationships with these beautiful people while giving back to their community.  Plus, I’ve heard the Smoky Mountains are pretty breath-taking, so that’s also a plus.  I should probably start packing in these next few days…  See you soon, Tennessee!


  1. When staying in a hostel over top a trendy brew pub featuring nightly live music, BRING EAR PLUGS!
  2. The store, Ingles, is pronounced “IN-GULLS” not “EEN-GLACE,” and it is a general – not a latino – grocery store!
  3. Baby wipes are an essential item to pack for any ASB trip – you never know when you’re going to be covered in mud or when you’re going to have to “go” along the side of a road!  HA!
  4. If you find your canoe headed for a tree, a rock, or a stream bank, it is absolutely the sternman’s (i.e., person in the back of the boat) fault…it is also her responsibility to correct the course of the boat!
  5. Although we traveled all the way to Asheville, NC to learn more about the environmental and human health impacts of coal ash, we discovered that Pennsylvania ranks #1 in the United States for coal ash generation and that there are 3 coal fired power plants with potentially dangerous coal ash disposal sites in Northampton County.
  6. Environmental justice is a profoundly anthropocentric ethic, meaning that human beings are the central moral concern.  However, I believe that, although “justice” is a human creation, there is a way to extend the definition of environmental justice to include non-human beings.  Animals, plants, and even mountains have intrinsic value and are owed ethical obligations.
  7. The most challenging aspect of any social or environmental movement is finding ways to drive the people of the community into a state of positive action – organizing the ambivalent majority into an engaged, committed, united and more forceful whole capable of making significant change.  As Sandra Diaz of Appalachian Voices put it, getting the community on board can be like trying to ignite a wet match – at times, success may seem hopeless but, with persistence and patience, you CAN make it happen.  This trip has shown me that, although mobilizing a community to achieve positive change is incredibly difficult, the most effective means of bringing people together are the simplest ones – community gatherings with food and fellowship (e.g., community gardens, picnics), communication through art (e.g., DeWayne’s Peace Garden, Jonathan Santos’ music), education (e.g., canvassing – examining public perception and providing accurate information about the issue), and providing green spaces and wildlife areas where members of the community can find peace, solitude, and their own personal relationship with nature (e.g., the campsite along the French Broad).
  8. Although anger, fear, and sorrow are generally considered negative human emotions, these feelings – when properly channeled – can be the catalyst for positive change.  Like the story of how Green Opportunities began in DeWayne’s backyard, we often decide to make a change when we are at our most uncomfortable.  I like the way M. Scott Peck put it in his book The Road Less Traveled, “The truth is that our finest moments are most likely to occur when we are feeling deeply uncomfortable, unhappy, or unfulfilled. For it is only in such moments, propelled by our discomfort, that we are likely to step out of our ruts and start searching for different ways or truer answers.”
  9. The Gilded Age was a period in American History after the Civil War characterized by enormous industrial and economic growth.  The term was coined (in part) by writer Mark Twain in a novel he wrote that satirized greed, materialism, and political corruption in public life.  We learned about the Gilded Age during our cultural day, but came to discover the deeper relationship between consumerism and environmentalism in the Peace Garden.  Shakespeare said it best: “to gild refined gold, to paint the lily, to throw perfume on the violet…is wasteful and ridiculous excess.”  For me, DeWayne’s artificial flowers symbolize this concept.
  10. The Bengali poet Rabindranath Tagore wrote, “I slept and dreamt that life was joy./ I awoke and saw that life was service./ I acted and behold, service was joy.”  Like so many of us, I get caught up in my own life and driven to acquire more knowledge, more honors, more respect, more things.  Self, self, self.  We think these “things” will bring us happiness, but, like the effect of a McDonald’s Happy Meal, we are briefly satisfied but left wanting more.  Being of service through ASB is a wonderful reminder that service IS joy – generosity, love, and compassion are sustainable forms of nourishment for the soul.  We only have what we give.
  11. I really appreciate all of the passionate people out there (especially my students) who are enthusiastic about environmental and social movements and motivated to change the world.  In an academic setting, we often have discussions about how the world could be a better place when communities, governments, and businesses change the way they do things.  However, the Peace Garden was a reminder that the first and most important step in creating positive change in the world is to take responsibility for and begin changing our own actions.  Jonathan Santos reminded us of this fact with his song, “Changing the World by Changing Me.”  DeWayne reminded us with all of the mirrors strategically placed throughout the garden, asking us to reflect on our own contribution to the changes we’d like to see, and the painted image of Mahatma Ghandi at the center of the garden reminded us that he said, “Be the change that you wish to see in the world.”

The internet was not working last night….

I have failed to blog during this trip for a combination of not finding the time and just emerging into this experience. On our last night, I am feeling so many emotions. But the one that is the most prominent is that of gratitude. I am truly blessed to have such a passionate and loving team. On site and in our daily reflections, I have witnessed a spark in each and every one of them. They are inspiring, courageous, funny and beautiful( even Taylor). They have been leaders here at the Boys and Girls Club and I trust the world in their hands. I also want to thank Exec and especially Amber for coordinating arranging such am experience. If it was for your logistical support and responsibilities, we would be displaced.
ASB is essential in creating socially aware and active citizens.
Thank you. ASB

Andrew We’re Still Waiting on that Board Stretcher…

Our group was at a house with a family  of five living in a one bedroom house. The little girl that lived there was four years old and absolutely adorable. She was so excited to have us there it was hard to keep her away from the construction site. The owner of the house had a husband who recently passed away and was in dire need of a bathroom renovation. There are no words to truly describe the state of this bathroom. To say the least the little girl was afraid to go in there before we started working on it because she thought she would fall through the floor. It was a mess, and as we began demo on the bathroom we realized that because the house was so old we couldn’t salvage anything and had to strip all of the old floors, walls, ceilings, shower, and toilet – all of it had to go. This job was quickly becoming more complex as we discovered more and more of the problems that were lying under the floor. After carrying all of the rubble we collected from ripping apart the bathroom, we began the renovation. We were crawling around the muddy  floors putting wood to support the new floor and laughing with the carpenters. It smelled awful in what was left of the bathroom but we still were having fun with our project. Perhaps the highlight of the day however, was when the carpenters decided to mess with Andrew. We were putting in support beams when the carpenter asked Andrew to go find something called a “board stretcher.” Andrew, who is clearly quite naive about construction work and tools, went looking for this thing for a good half an hour before asking for help from one of the other carpenters. Bob fortunately clued him in that no such object exists which then Andrew proceeded to realize that the carpenters and our group were getting a great laugh at his expense. He was a good sport about it however and we all laughed about it later that night. The other group’s day was boring compared to the things we encountered in our adventure today. I’m just kidding, their day was pretty sweet like pancakes. They built a house. Which is pretty cool I suppose…

Last Day!

Today was the final day of our stay in Asheville, NC, and our second day with the Western North Carolina Alliance (WNCA). The French Broad River is the body of water that is most affected by the coal ash pollution, and is also most cared about by the local community, as it is used for various aspects of recreation like swimming, fishing, boating and canoeing. Today we got to experience this by canoeing on the river. We set sail in the morning, headed towards the Little River Campsite, one of many campsites along the river. This ride was not just for our leisure, it was to carry a large amount of supplies over to the campsite which otherwise would have had to be carried there along a hike. These supplies were given to us by Hartwell Carson, the Riverkeeper from WNCA, and they included loppers, hoes, rakes and other tools that we used to remove Privet, an invasive plant species that had overgrown the campsite.

We spent a long afternoon ripping up these plants from the root in order to free the picnic table and other open spaces that make up this recreational area. This required a great deal of manpower (and in our team’s case, mostly womanpower), and being a large group, we were able to accomplish a lot during the time that we were there. These campsites are an important part of the community. The French Broad River is a greatly appreciated aspect of the community, and the campsites allow “Ashevillians” to use and develop a more intimate connection with the river.

This is why it is so important for coal ash pollution to be regulated better, so that these people do not lose this precious aspect of their lifestyle. This relates to us because the coal ash ponds existing in Northampton County affects us too, and this is a great way to learn about the issue and try to help others who  are more directly being affected by it.

Even just canoeing along the river for a short time today, I developed an appreciation for the river just because of it’s beauty as part of nature. It was saddening to think about the amount of toxic pollution that was seeping into and being discharged into it everyday, possibly destroying the ecosystem, as well as limiting its potential for recreational use. This was good inspiration for realizing that the cause we are fighting for with this movement beyond coal has a wide array of benefits concerning not only human health, but also conservation of natural areas.

After we finished our work at the campsite, we hopped back in the canoes and brought them further down the river where we could be picked up along the road by Hartwell. We ran into some difficulties removing the canoes from the river along the steep river banks, which forced us to use some physically intense teamwork that I believe ultimately brought the team closer, increasing our trust with each other.

Today was a definitely a fun way to finish up our service work in Asheville. I wish we had a few more days to stay, since we are coming closer as a group  and becoming more attached to the topic of our trip: environmental justice.

Newark – last day of service! :(

So today was our last day of service here in Newark!  It started off on an exciting note because the team that usually stays at the Girls and Boys Club was able to go to the United Way of Essex and West Hudson headquarters in the morning.  Most of us sorted clothing donations for an outdoor market tomorrow but I went with two other people to clean out the parking lot for the market.  It was nice to get out of the Club for a little bit and work on different service projects in the morning.  It was also great to see how much effort people put into sorting clothing for the market.  One of the things that has been stressed to me in life is service with respect, meaning that the people we work with deserve the opportunity to shop for clothes that have been sorted and organized to make it easier to find articles of clothing.  In the afternoon, we came back to the Boys and Girls Club and worked with the children one last time.  It was great to see how many children remembered us and ran up to us.  We had a wonderful afternoon that consisted of decorating bags for the egg hunt we planned for the children.

I had a particularly striking conversation with a 9 year-old girl today.  She was working on homework and labeling the capitols on a United States map.  I started talking with her about school and she told me that she loved math and that she learned her times tables when she was in first grade.  This blew me away, because everyone I’ve known didn’t start multiplication until third grade.  She told me she was advanced for her age and that her dream was to go to Harvard and study math.  To hear such ambitious goals from such a young girl was inspirational, and I pray to God that her circumstances will not hold her back.  Our team was reflecting later about how so many of the kids here are so smart and observant.  We wondered if maybe the person who could cure cancer one day was born in an area suffering from urban poverty and a failing education system.  These kids have so much potential but are unfairly being held back by circumstances beyond their control.  Working with the kids this week and hearing their stories really helped me understand the effects of urban poverty and why everyone needs to care about this social injustice.  Beyond the ethics of the situation, when one group of people is being subordinated, all of us suffer.

This week has been eye-opening, to say the least.  I am so proud of our team and the work we accomplished.  Everyone was so engaged with the kids and had multiple conversations throughout the day, everyday, about the causes and effects of urban poverty.  I am grateful to United Way and the Boys and Girls Club of Newark for making this experience possible and for my incredible team for being beautiful (this was suggested by Damilare).