Taking it in, recovery

After a week of exams, interesting sleep cycles, and a plethora of exciment, we finally set out to North Carolina!!!

Our first day, started with some rain, some people that couldn’t get their bags to the meeting place because they overpacked (Dale!), and some dunking donuts.

Over the trip we ran into some complications, some of us forgot the color of lemons, some learned how to pump gas, and others thought that going against the Wall of Flame was a good idea.

When we got into Virginia, (which felt like Maryland btw) we stopped for food at California Tortilla. Best Mexican Food In The Nation (according to Marissa). We walked in and discovered their Wall of Fame, or should I say Wall of Flame. A collection of the tastiest, hottest, and craziest sauces in the world.

I was feeling adventurous and along with Kaitlin took on the challenge to find the hottest sause of ’em all. We started with a tasty lime Chalula. This wasn’t hot enough, and so we moved to Original Death Sauce (with chipotle) and a flaming smiling skull. We were ready for it, this was it, we poured some into our burritos, and after a toss took our first bite. This “Death Sauce” seemed so primising, I picked it up with the promise of a chanllenge, but I got nothing, it was mildly hotter than average hot sauce, but it certainly did not live up to its name.

Feeling accomplished at mocking Death, I walked back to the Wall of Flame looking for the next one. After thoughtfyl searching I came across Endorphin Rush. A name that was there to attract me, I’m sure. When I tried it, I felt a flame light up, the burrito suddenly had taking a spirit of its own and it was alive protesting to not be eaten, it was an intense fight. It was like biting into a fresh, ripe, habanero. All was white, white pain, I felt it in the back of my thoat, it was the sneaky kind, it goes by unnoticed, until it’s too late, until you have committed to swallowing the bite, and then the real punch takes you by surprise on its way down.

Let’s just say that 7 hours later I was still recovering.

Right now we’re on the hunt for the next Endorphin Rush.



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