Marcia Baldwin April 1, 2014Uncategorizedodonneak “Poinsettia Batik”, M Baldwin, c2006 “Tropical Splendor Batik”, M Baldwin, c1996
Robert The March 9, 2014UncategorizedAllison O'Donnellodonneak Robert The Britannica Vol.14 work/image ©2008 Robert The, The Catcher in the Rye ©2006/2010
Ray Johnson February 25, 2014Uncategorizedodonneak Correspondence art or mail art sent to Ray Johnson from Gerard C. Barbot, 1994 Correspondence or mail art by Ray Johnson, 1980s
Sophie Calle February 13, 2014UncategorizedAllison O'Donnellodonneak Double Game: The Detective, 1981 The Address Book, 1983
Anne Truitt February 4, 2014UncategorizedAllison O'Donnellodonneak Twining Court I, 2001, synthetic polymer paint on wood Catawba, 1962, painted wood