I have decided to work with the area that overlooks the river in the side entrance of the WVAB. This site brought about much curiosity through different conversations that had taken place with the visiting artist as well as with Professor Jim Toia. The conversations revolved around the contamination and pollution that once was present in the Delaware river and how through different efforts it has been restored. The effort put into making sure the water became healthy again just reiterated the need of care and dedication needed from our part to be able to create a healthy and clean environment. As a whole thinking about the change that has been witnessed by those who have been around for a while made me think of the gravity of the issue on a global scale. It made me think of the different efforts from organizations that have tried to help the existing situation of the water pollution today. One of the first things that came to mind were plastic grocery bags. Essentially this is the reason as to why I chose this location.
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