First and Final Thoughts

For my sound project, I decided to create a piece that captures the thoughts and feelings of someone who has been diagnosed with HIV in the mid 80s. I used multiple stories from different people to form the dialogue and incorporated different news reports and interviews about HIV during the 80s to emphasize the stigma of HIV during that time. I wanted to focus on how such life changing news can drive a person to think such dark thoughts. I also wanted to shed light on society’s response to those suffering with HIV/AIDS during the 80s and how certain terms were used back then that we wouldn’t use today.



Reaction to photos that lie

I posted the image of the “enter enter” sign I photoshopped on twitter with no caption. Not many people responded to my photo because I don’t have many followers. The people that did respond, thought the sign was real.  I didn’t consider these responses unexpected because at first glance the sign misprint looks real. People asked where the sign was as well.