Final Piece

I decided to go off a similar route that I did my performance piece on since I wanted to stay within the medium of performance art.  In my last piece, I found the part that spoke to the most people visually and artistically was the use of golf and imitating the game to create art.  I wanted to examine gender roles within the sport, since coverage of females within the sport is almost non existent.  I tried to dress up like a male golfer while doing the piece (don’t know how well that was communicated).  I finished the piece by putting it on display in a grandiose male setting, which ended up being my fraternity house’s atrium.  I was aiming to give it a hyper masculine feel, so I edited it to show the power and force going into each of my shots.

While doing the piece, I had some trouble since I did not expect the balls to make it through the canvas without leaving a decent amount of paint. Rather less paint got on the canvas and bigger holes supplemented it.  However, one thing I was pleasantly surprised at was the effect that dirt and grass had on the piece.  By making it dirty with these earthy elements, I thought it gave it a down and dirty masculine feeling as well, which only added to my message.

Sound Art

I’m not sure why the sound file is not uploading.  Will keep trying.

-Lacrosse Game on TV


-Clicking on computer






-Taking out Trash

-Opening and closing of door

-Outside other doors


-Amplifier Feedback

-Phone Ringing


-Match Lighting

-Walking around

-Conversation next door

-Hands rubbing together


Social Media Reaction

I choose to post one of my more outrageous pictures I did for the “Photos That Lie” project on Twitter.   I aptly just named it #art, and from that point let it loose on the internet.  The most immediate response was from all my friends on twitter, as many of them “favorited” my tweet, but it was interesting to see who else liked it.  Since I posted it with the hashtag art, many people were able to see it through following that very basic hashtag.  Although I didn’t get as many likes or responses I did from my friends, I still got a few likes from strangers who must have found it following that hashtag.  Overall, everyone seemed to like it.