Athletes Getting Ready

I chose to do two athletes getting ready for their perspective games. I wanted the beginning to show how similar different genders get ready for their games. It breaks off when the female starts to do her make up and hair which causes the most amount of time. The baseball player gets to the field much earlier than the field hockey player because she is making herself feel pretty. I chose the last song because it shows what people think that about girl sports. That they are not as serious and that they should be attractive based on their looks and not their athletic build. Female sports programs are constantly getting overlooked or are not as funded as their counterparts. I tried to show this using the up beat song. Many people and programs think female athletes are not as serious and are merely there for the look and the “fun”. In the beginning, there was a motivational speech in the background. It gets very hyped up but the athletes are just brushing their teeth and moving on about their morning. People have a misconception that all athletes need to be pumped up and excited to play. The juxtaposition between the speech and the visual goes against these assumptions as athletes are just normal people.

Practice Video Performance

I was interested in the movement of dance for my practice video performance. I had my cousin who is still in elementary school perform her dance for me and I focused solely on her legs. I wanted to keep it simple and show the evolution of dance. We all have seen professional performances, but those dancers had to come from somewhere. By focusing simply on her feet and legs, it takes her age out of the picture but it is clear she is a novice. I didn’t want the focal point to be on her but the dance itself. The grass and weather add another aspect to the dance in that the glass blades add a bit of an obstacle for her feet and her shoes.



I did my project on a very controversial law in North Carolina called HB2. This law states that you must go into the bathroom of your birth certificate regardless of what gender you identify with. There is no way to regulate the law and it is extremely useless. North Carolina has lost a lot of revenue from concerts and games that have pulled out due to the ruling.

I used my family to speak parts of the bill. Gender originates in your family, thus hearing my brother, mother, and father speak has a major impact. The governor that passed the bill is in the beginning and end speaking about why it is important. i think the use of my family voices really brings home just how important and crucial gender is and how ambiguous the bill really is.

I put it on social media but I did not get much response. A lot of my friends here don’t really understand what the bill is and who it affects. They are far removed from the situation so its completely understandable. Because it is a sound clip, not many of my friends took the time to listen to the whole thing. Instead, they listened to the first part that makes it seem that I am for the bill. There was some confusion as to which side I aligned with.




  1. TV playing
  2. Running water
  3. cabinet closing
  4. Toilet flushing
  5. washer machine
  6. door opening
  7. wooden board in the wind
  8. coin hitting metal
  9. soda can crushing
  10. cough
  11. nervous tapping bottle cap
  12. sweeping
  13. tearing of paper
  14. hammer
  15. mirror cabinet closing
  16. blinds opening
  17. hair spray
  18. typing
  19. putting a jacket on
  20. fridge closing
  21. keys rattling


Lying post


I decided to post this photo of my friend to social media. I thought because we have a lot of friends in common that we would be able to get more of a response. A lot of our friends were confused by the topic and wondered why she was hanging upside down. Some thought that she was right side up at first and didn’t realize that it was a complete lie until further examination. I got a few questions on why her face looked distorted before they realized that she was upside down. Overall I got a lot of good responses along with some confusion but it was a successful post!