Sound Assignment

  1. Breathing
  2. Writing with a pencil
  3. Walking in my slippers
  4. My door knob
  5. The vending machine
  6. the microwave
  7. opening the microwave
  8. closing the microwave
  9. shaking the popcorn
  10. walking to my room
  11. door closing
  12. Using the bathroom
  13. toilet flushes
  14. put my phone down
  15. water running
  16. soap dispenser
  17. shake my hands off
  18. paper towel dispenser
  19. ripping off the paper towel
  20. drying my hands


I stayed in my residence hall for this project, but since my room was a tad boring I walked around and used the bathroom.

Performance Piece


So I made a gif of a sequence that I shot of me sketching a small flower. To me, the performance quality came from when I made the gif because you can actually see the process of me drawing yet it is still not a full video of how each piece of the flower was created. I also decided to reverse the gif, which in itself is a sort of performance because it looks as if the pencil is erasing the lines it drew, but from the point rather than the eraser. What I thought seemed interesting is that flowers are often seen as a symbol of growth, but the way the gif is reversed it combats that idea that flowers are that symbol.