Athletes Getting Ready

I chose to do two athletes getting ready for their perspective games. I wanted the beginning to show how similar different genders get ready for their games. It breaks off when the female starts to do her make up and hair which causes the most amount of time. The baseball player gets to the field much earlier than the field hockey player because she is making herself feel pretty. I chose the last song because it shows what people think that about girl sports. That they are not as serious and that they should be attractive based on their looks and not their athletic build. Female sports programs are constantly getting overlooked or are not as funded as their counterparts. I tried to show this using the up beat song. Many people and programs think female athletes are not as serious and are merely there for the look and the “fun”. In the beginning, there was a motivational speech in the background. It gets very hyped up but the athletes are just brushing their teeth and moving on about their morning. People have a misconception that all athletes need to be pumped up and excited to play. The juxtaposition between the speech and the visual goes against these assumptions as athletes are just normal people.

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