final project

Music is always an interesting thing to discuss in media. I went to Coachella music Festival in California. It is a pop music festival, which has a lot of artists coming. I like it very much. Besides those great artists and musicians, I found that audiences are also really interesting to look at. Since this was my first time being in a music festival in the U.S., everything was really exciting and new for me to see.

I noticed that there were various people, listening to a same singer, but reacted totally different. I also noticed that some people were trying to get into that “fans” group, although they may not know the artist very well. Those observations inspired me to make a project about listening music privately and publicly. I got a lot of footage after coming back from the festival, but I really didn’t know how to make them into a video art piece. After talking with Professor, I realized that I need to embrace the “Randomness” of those footages. We figured out a way to make a video of me responding to those festival footages instead of only showing the difference between listening music in private and public spaces.

I chose two really old songs to give a contrast between old classical music and pop modern music. In music festival, most people listen to those pop songs rather some old songs, but for myself, I listen to a lot of old songs from movies privately.

In conclusion, I would say that listening music in public with other people might be exciting and great, but listening music privately gives us more freedom without being judged by others.

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