Sound project

The topic of my project is Chinese Exclusion Act. I did not even know this happened in our history before this project. Since the topic is sad and historical, I primarily focus on using other people’s voice, for example, the comments from scholar and historian, and the sound from government.

The project follows the timeline of the whole event. It starts from introduction. Lots of Chinese came to U.S. for the Gold and later stayed in U.S. and many of them were employed as a railroad worker. However, many people were afraid of these Chinese worker. Thus, at 1882, the Chinese Exclusion Act was approved. It prohibited the immigration of all Chinese. Even those who had already obtained a green card or even were born in U.S has to go through many troubles and process to re-enter the U.S. I initially decided to interview Prof. Woo in Chemical Engineering department. But it happens way before he even was born. So I turn to some online source. And I include the part of interview of Chinese historian Connie Young Yu about the experience of her grandmother and grandfather.

Later, U.S. Congress formally apologies for the Chinese Exclusion Act at 2012. Interestingly, we still observe some similar restriction of entering U.S. targeting to certain group of people. But we do see more protest from people while more than 100 years ago, almost no one will speak for Chinese. I believe this is a progress for the society. However, we still have a very long way to go.

After posting it to the social media, my Chinese friends were shocking. Because they didn’t know about the Act at all. I think there are two main reasons. Firstly, this happens more than 100 years ago. It is not even related to our parents. Secondly, the media in China does not say too much about it. Xinhua news agent did write a report about U.S. congress apologized for the Act. But I (and my friends) didn’t remember or read about it at all. Besides it, many people address this Act with the recent President Trump’s immigration ban.



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