I did my project on a very controversial law in North Carolina called HB2. This law states that you must go into the bathroom of your birth certificate regardless of what gender you identify with. There is no way to regulate the law and it is extremely useless. North Carolina has lost a lot of revenue from concerts and games that have pulled out due to the ruling.

I used my family to speak parts of the bill. Gender originates in your family, thus hearing my brother, mother, and father speak has a major impact. The governor that passed the bill is in the beginning and end speaking about why it is important. i think the use of my family voices really brings home just how important and crucial gender is and how ambiguous the bill really is.

I put it on social media but I did not get much response. A lot of my friends here don’t really understand what the bill is and who it affects. They are far removed from the situation so its completely understandable. Because it is a sound clip, not many of my friends took the time to listen to the whole thing. Instead, they listened to the first part that makes it seem that I am for the bill. There was some confusion as to which side I aligned with.


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