Sound Journal

  1. Writing/recording noises (pen on paper)
  2. typing (when I go to type these)
  3. Putting pen down
  4. AC hum
  5. Weird beeping (somewhere outside?)
  6. Car coming to stop
  7. Cars going by on road
  8. Footsteps approaching room and then becoming quieter
  9. Hammer
  10. Ambiguous construction noise
  11. People talking outside house (words too quiet but voices are apparent)
  12. Air shutting off
  13. Rattle sound
  14. Phone vibrating
  15. Voice of someone entering house
  16. Door opening
  17. Door closing
  18. Breathing
  19. Microwave turning on in other room
  20. Running sink

It was hard for my phone to pick up some of the noises, but I’ve included the recordings of a few. Most sounded the same.

Sound Art

I’m not sure why the sound file is not uploading.  Will keep trying.

-Lacrosse Game on TV


-Clicking on computer






-Taking out Trash

-Opening and closing of door

-Outside other doors


-Amplifier Feedback

-Phone Ringing


-Match Lighting

-Walking around

-Conversation next door

-Hands rubbing together


Sound Assignment

  1. Breathing
  2. Writing with a pencil
  3. Walking in my slippers
  4. My door knob
  5. The vending machine
  6. the microwave
  7. opening the microwave
  8. closing the microwave
  9. shaking the popcorn
  10. walking to my room
  11. door closing
  12. Using the bathroom
  13. toilet flushes
  14. put my phone down
  15. water running
  16. soap dispenser
  17. shake my hands off
  18. paper towel dispenser
  19. ripping off the paper towel
  20. drying my hands


I stayed in my residence hall for this project, but since my room was a tad boring I walked around and used the bathroom.


1.Cough 2.Typing 3.Opening the fridge 4.Closing the fridge 5.Turning on the water heater 6.Tap running 7.Opening the door 8.Closing the door 9. Water boiling 10. Water heater beeping 11.Zipper 12. Message Tone 13. Video Chat Tone 14.Elevator door Opening  15. Turing the page 16.Printer 17. Stiring with ice 18. Putting down the window shade 19. Turning off the lights 20. Air conditioner



Sounds Project

Sitting in room in house:

-Car driving past

-Typing on keyboard

-Vinyl record scratch

-Car driving past

-Vinyl music playing


-Car music playing

-Bird chirping

-Car driving past

-Child yelling

-Students walking past chattering

-Car door shutting

-Vinyl music changes

-Door closes

-Friend walking in front door

-Mouse clicking

-Text message alert

-Oneself breathing


-Knuckles popping