Photography Lies: Post to Social Media Experiment


So I decided to post the picture of the husky dog I took to Facebook. I felt like it was a picture that would get enough response from my family and friends. They know I love photography so putting this up wouldn’t seem too out of the ordinary. The types of responses I got were all positive and lots of questions. People were asking me if I got this close to a werewolf or wild dog! They were asking me if it was a fake dog!  Or if I got it off the internet. I definitely think this was a good choice because it was a clear example of the ambiguity that is involved in photography.  If I had posted a different picture of this dog next to a person or such you would clearly see his collar or true size and realize that it was a dog not a wolf of such. Overall I enjoyed the compliments on my photography but also believed it to be a valuable lesson of the types of things we see on social media.

After Posting Lying Photograph On Social Media…


I post the beach one on the weibo that is a Chinese social media like twitter. Majority people know the photo is not real. A few question the photo is true and comment, “Oh my god, is that you, why you become so dark”. Some people say that your photography skill is bad. Someone ask me why I post this photo because I hardly post things on social media. Another person comments that I think you have already started the new semester and why you post a photo not yours. I just reply that it is my assignment to see what response I will receive. “I don’t want to be a laboratory mouse with a sad emoji,” the person responds. I deem that the photo I posted is obviously untrue so it is unexpected that some people believe this photo and think my skin become dark. Maybe they consider I take this photo under the beach umbrella or in the grey shadows. This is an interesting experiment although I receive negative comment like bad photography. I will try my best to improve my photography skill.