Power of the Hood
When brainstorming on what to do for this project, I knew I wanted to do something that not only served as a performative art piece but also included a meaningful narrative behind it. Even though I initially struggled with coming up with an idea to base my photo series one, I enjoyed the freedom of being able to run with whatever idea I finally chose. In this series, I aimed to compare and contrast the reaction of an audience to how different people wore their clothes, hooded sweatshirts to be specific. While these five pictures were taken with my phone and surely do not seem to be of great quality, they surely met my expectations.
The difference in gender, skin color, and overall size between my models surely seemed to impact the way that the surrounding bystanders reacted to their presence. During the process of snapping the hooded vs. unhooded photos of each model, the looks of uncomfort from bystanders tipped the scale toward the photos where the models were told to have their hoods up. You can see in the photos where they are unhooded, no one seems to be paying the models any attention even though they are uncomfortably and awkwardly placed. I posted these pictures on Twitter as a series of 5 photos, and they did not get much of a reaction from my followers. Possibly because the post isn’t the most aesthetically pleasing, or because it is hard to understand what is going on in the photos without an explanation.