Final Project – Video Appropriation

For my final project I wanted to work with GoPro footage that I had taken in the summer at home, and appropriate it into a new video that has a new storyboard and overall idea. I had first started with the idea of taking out all of the existing sounds and change them to irrelevant sounds that created a new story. I found this challenging to create and focus on a specific topic. After I had discussed and brainstormed new ideas I decided I wanted to create some sort of horror movie with the same footage but adding my own sound files and music. I succeeded in doing this but felt it needed a direction or plot because the video built up and up and then suddenly ended.

I wanted to try and incorporate an issue such as global warming and some how tie it into my overall theme of a horror movie, but was unsuccessful in finding fitting footage that could blend well with my existing clips. We then discussed the idea of using a natural disaster in the movie, I found that Hurricane Katrina had a lot of content on the internet and fitting clips.

I think if I had more time I could have created and thought of a more fitting idea that relates to myself and had a stronger message, but overall the final project turned out pretty well. All of the sound files were added and blended into the video files to make it flow smoothly and act as though the sound was coming from the GoPro. I showed many of my friends the video and they were shocked at how well the sound fit to the video and needed proof that I did that myself with unrelated clips from youtube, because of how well it flowed. I tried to make it as realistic as possible and bring the audience to a point where they were curious and intrigued as to what was going to happen next. The end clips are very shocking and hard to believe a natural disaster can do so much damage. With that being said, I think I did a good job of blending the two and kept the audience at the edge of their seats.

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