let’s go somewhere…

I really enjoyed this project because I was able to pretty much do whatever I wanted and perform for the camera. I wanted the chance to recreate the style of pictures you see on muradosmann’s instagram but with a more normal twist of not being in an exotic place. I have always been fascinated by his account since I have started having an insta.

I posted the pictures to my instagram account, every hour, to get a more real reaction since this was my most used account and I surprisingly got a nice amount of likes. I am most surprised about the fast that I lost around 6 followers from doing this project. I did not post any captions with these pictures, so i guess people thought my posts were annoying. When people asked me about the pictures, their questions really consisted of the same thing: “were they taken on different days?” “where are they?” “why did you post so many”. I guess if the timing of the posts were spread out over a few days it would have been less of an annoyance to people. the editing of the pictures are close to the style of muradosmann’s in the sense that they have a deep depth of field and lots of colors. I really enjoyed looking at them after.

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One thought on “let’s go somewhere…

  1. You did a great job using the language of social media images to make a story about the picturesque areas of Easton. I don’t think you are making fun of Muradossman’s project. As I said in class it is an homage to him. What makes it so interesting is how the use of the gopro and post production changes how we see Easton.

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