Revisiting World War II Germany

Several years after World War II ended, these photos were taken in various places significant to the lives of those involved.

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An aerial view of remote Germany where high ranking officials would meet at their headquarters.

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When it became a requirement for Jewish citizens to wear the Star of David, they would need to register at windows like these located throughout cities.

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This building housed a Jewish family’s business which was abandoned during World War II.

182145pr This building is a place families would go for help to be relocated in an effort to avoid the Nazis.


View of a weapons factory located in the German countryside.


Part of the equipment needed to produce weapons at a German factory.

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Inside a German factory.


This is where Holocaust victims were brought upon their arrival to the concentration camp.

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This is a room people were corralled before being forced enter the gas chamber.


A gas chamber at a concentration camp.

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