Lucy Final

I wasn’t quite sure what I wanted to do for my final project and it took me a lot of time and work to figure out exactly what I wanted to do. I began doing research on famous video performers and delved deeper into Marina Abramović. Marina, as we have seen in class, is an extremely well-known artist and has done several pieces of performance art. When thinking about what I wanted to do for my final I kept thinking about Marina’s video Art is Beatiful, Artist is Beatiful. This video inspired me for my final project. I decided to take a video of myself taking off my makeup, then reapplying it and doing it over and over. I overlayed some simple music that actually made it quite emotional. Though I did not think I would become emotional during this process, listening to the music actually made me quite sentimental.

Overall I really enjoyed doing this video. I wanted to capture the raw emotion that is produced and to kind of view the social norms that we can sometimes get lost in. I was trying to make it seem like I was not comfortable in my own skin and to bring out how difficult it can sometimes be to live in this modern day. The person that I was portraying kept trying to get the perfect look but she was never satisfied. I wanted a relatable person that peolpe could feel like or see themselves being that person. I actually think this video made me reflect on the way I live my life. This girl was trying to please herself while obviously feeling the need to please others. I am glad I chose this for my final and really enjoyed the whole process.

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