Citizen Journalism= Untitled

I could not upload my video, unfortunately, because supposedly the file is too large. Nonetheless, the approach I took on this assignment of citizen journalism is think about things that should be recorded as news but are not. After several trials of trying to find a decent material that was interesting, I decided to choose the video I took while attending a Speech and Debate event on campus. There was so much power and talent being expressed on the stage and I felt like the size of the audience did not do it justice. Nobody from the newspaper or from the audience was there recording. Therefore, I decided to record it because, once recorded, more people were going to be able to see it later on. My role as a citizen journalist in this assignment was like an advertiser: trying to find things that other people should see.


One thought on “Citizen Journalism= Untitled

  1. Ok. Nicely done. Like C-Span there is a lot going on that people should pay attention to. By recording and posting the footage you make it visible and confirm your own participation as witness.

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