Citizen Journalism

For this project, I was at a loss for ideas. I did not have much time to develop my idea as I was not in class on Monday. However, I knew I wanted to create a scene of news worthy material that was realistic at a college. I wasn’t sure how to accomplish this right away. I knew I wasn’t going to be able to accomplish it alone. I gathered some friends together to have them act out a fight. I was trying to capture a college fight in the scene. As we tried and tried nothing seemed to be looking realistic. I didn’t have the best actors I guess. As time moved on an idea came to me.

This was an earthquake in Easton, PA. While an earthquake may not happen here at all, I wanted to make it feel as though students were going crazy because they had no idea what was happen. This project was difficult because capturing the feelings realistically was harder than I imagined.  In the end, I think it turned out pretty realistic for the small amount of footage I had. Doing this project made me realize that this can occur at other schools and could be very scary.

I was also unable to upload but we can view it on dropbox in class.


One thought on “Citizen Journalism

  1. While your piece was not real citizen journalism it was video art. The video straddled the idea between fact and fiction and used the title effectively.

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