Sense of Absence

When brainstorming for ideas on what to do for this project, I looked at the different methods that we experimented with and listened to as a class. I chose to combine two of them. I wanted to make my own narrative by recording periods of time where there would normally be music, without it. I did this on three separate occasions and in three completely different settings. I also chose to find a primary source, and reappropriate it into the message that I wanted to convey through this piece. The track has a very awkward and off-putting feel to it, and that was on purpose. I want the listener to reminisce on things they usually end up thinking of when they find themselves doing tasks while listening to no music. I wanted the text of the piece to make the listener think about the psychological effects of music, and how if can negatively and positively effect their thinking. Does listening to music help you to complete a task? Or does it actually hinder your abilities? Is listening to music good for you? Can it have harmful effects?


One thought on “Sense of Absence

  1. Tyler, where is this text coming from? It sounds very much as if its starts with music and ends up in psychology. The questions you ask are interesting. ie., what role should music play in our lives…

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