Kirby Audio Project

I chose to work with the option of “creating a narrative of sound without using any text”. I found this option to be the most interesting and I felt like I had more options to of things to use for it. Some of the sounds I used came from my home life and the rest came from the internet. I wanted to make this a personal experience for the audience. I love going home and playing the game Zelda WindWaker for my sister Ashley, she always asks me to play for her and then whenever I play, my dad is always asleep on the couch. I wanted to combine these two sounds to create a narrative of a dream because whenever I play the game a lot, I end up having dreams about the game.

I first posted the audio to a SoundCloud account that I created. This did not create a big response due to the fact that I do not have any followers. I tried to hash-tag things that were relevant to what my sound so that others would be able to find it. I realize now that to find a bigger response, I could have hash-tagged things that were currently trending now so that even if people weren’t looking for it, they would stumble upon it. I then uploaded the SoundCloud file to my twitter, where I have a decent amount of followers, but again, I did not have any response.

One thought on “Kirby Audio Project

  1. I love this juxtaposition of sounds. Your father’s snoring is so human!
    A title might have been- an afternoon at home. Its great you are pulling ideas from your own experience.

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