How the World Uses Water

For this project I wanted to creative a narrative without using any text. I knew for this project to be successful I would have to be a very clear and thoughtful piece. I thought of sounds that are very well know and can impact an audience. My first idea was the sound of water. Water impacts individuals all over the world in many different ways. Water is a necessity; however, some still view it as a luxury. The main message I wanted to get across in this piece is how the world uses water, some overuse and some underuse. It is important to remember how important water is on this earth, and if its overuse continues later generations will be left nothing.

Personally, I feel I was able to get across the many different uses of water in this piece. I was very difficult to be sure the message was being conveyed. I wanted to variety of use to be understood. But, I also wanted there to be an awareness of the anticipation the piece has in the end that leads to ultimately no sound of water. This ending means more than just and ending to a piece it represents the ending of the water supply. As the author, of this piece, I have been made aware of how I use water and this importance of doing little actions like turning off the water while brushing my teeth. The water supply of the earth diminishing is a true concern. My hope as the author is for people to understand what this piece was meant to do, raise awareness.

From posting this piece on social media, I hope this public has a realization while listening. This piece may be hard to understand at first, but I want the audience to realize this piece is not supposed to be calm water sounds for relaxation. This piece is truly about the experience of listening. I listed this piece as ambient genre to hopefully get more feedback in the future. So far I have received little feedback on Soundcloud, with 1 like and 2 plays.  On Soundcloud I do not have followers, it is more a public forum, so the likes are coming from listing the piece in a genre. I hope to continue to get more feedback on this piece, and i wish for the audience to understand the message conveyed by “How the World Uses Water”.



One thought on “How the World Uses Water

  1. Its amazing how many sounds for water there are and how they can be manipulated in the editing process to create a narrative.

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