Performative art

I struggled to come up with the right definition/idea for the term performative art. In my own words, performative art is a performance in front of the camera in a way that tells a story or a shows a specific scene. I had a lot of trouble trying to come up with ideas to portray this in my own way. I first got some inspiration when I thought of the different performances around me. My mom loves yoga so I thought about having someone who doesn’t necessarily know how to do yoga, perform different poses. I had my friend do as many poses as she knew while I took pictures from different angles. I wanted it to seem like she was just doing it on her own or maybe even teaching a class in order to show that narrative.

I also went to New York City the other day and noticed that almost every other person I walked by was smoking a cigarette. I find it so interesting how normal this act has become despite all of its harm. I wanted to show how weird it looks to see someone “smoking” an everyday object, yet we don’t even think twice when we see someone smoking a cigarette.

Overall, I enjoyed this project and I thought it was really fun to show/tell a story to the camera. My pictures did not get much recognition on social media (twitter) besides favorites from some followers. I didn’t really expect the yoga pictures to get much feedback only because it seemed like an everyday occurrence. Though I was surprised about how little recognition my “smoking” pictures got.

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One thought on “Performative art

  1. I think its super interesting that you photographed “positive” behaviour and “harmful” behavior. And your followers only commented/liked on the positive behavior. Why do you think that is? The Gif is actually pretty interesting visually. I wonder if you used more hashtags to expand your audience if you wouldn’t get other reactions. Both projects “read” as real and that is the power of photography. If you put it in front of the camera its there , it happened. So its real.

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