The following photos were taken during the ice age that followed the major industrialization of the world powers resulting in the green house gas effect. Over many years, the devastation to the ozone and the global environment had finally been pushed to a limit leading to a sunless time of freezing temperatures.


This photo was taken shortly after the never ending snow storms began striking the nation. Those who needed to continue to work used skis in order to make the commute as the roads were too icy and engines couldn't operate well at the freezing temperatures

This photo was taken shortly after the never ending snow storms began striking the nation. Those who needed to continue to work used skis in order to make the commute as the roads were too icy and engines couldn’t operate well at the freezing temperatures

In wasn't before long that people began congregating to stay warm in outside conditions.

In wasn’t before long that people began congregating to stay warm in outside conditions.

The government began trying to develop high tech suits to help citizens withstand the harsh climate, but despite their efforts even when the technology was found there was no way to disperse among the entire civilization.

The government began trying to develop high tech suits to help citizens withstand the harsh climate, but despite their efforts even when the technology was found there was no way to disperse among the entire civilization.

Here you can see some commoners trying to make the best of the devastating weather wrapped in many layers.

Here you can see some commoners trying to make the best of the devastating weather wrapped in many layers.

Many couples lost loved ones during the storms, this woman prays that here husband will return one day after never coming home during a commute through a blizzard.

Many couples lost loved ones during the storms, this woman prays that here husband will return one day after never coming home during a commute through a blizzard.

Luckily for her, they were reunited many months later, an unlikely event she was very fortunate.

Luckily for her, they were reunited many months later, an unlikely event she was very fortunate.

Some other families were not so fortunate, and could not survive the lethal coldness.

Some other families were not so fortunate, and could not survive the lethal coldness.

The earth became so unstable that geothermal heat created huge pressure differences with the frigid temperatures of the atmosphere. This cause spontaneous explosions from the ground.

The earth became so unstable that geothermal heat created huge pressure differences with the frigid temperatures of the atmosphere. This cause spontaneous explosions from the ground.

Cults began forming out of desperation to bring the sun back.

Cults began forming out of desperation to bring the sun back.

These sacrifices often were based around individuals offering their lives into the darkness and snow ridden landscape in hopes that some all powerful being would bring back the sun.

These sacrifices often were based around individuals offering their lives into the darkness and snow ridden landscape in hopes that some all powerful being would bring back the sun.

Wars broke out between the varying cults and survivalist groups due to the tension between the remaining resources. This soldier takes aim at an enemy group.

Wars broke out between the varying cults and survivalist groups due to the tension between the remaining resources. This soldier takes aim at an enemy group.

The greatest soldiers of these battles were honored by their tribes with medals and applause. These three women just returned from battle.

The greatest soldiers of these battles were honored by their tribes with medals and applause. These three women just returned from battle.

It was a dark time for the world. it would be years until the environment would settle. The ending of this ice age was marked by an eternal flame to provide warmth for the future generations while reminding them of a unforgettable tragedy.

It was a dark time for the world. it would be years until the environment would settle. The ending of this ice age was marked by an eternal flame to provide warmth for the future generations while reminding them of a unforgettable tragedy.


(Appropriated from the Winter Olympics at Lillehammer, Norway 1994)


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