Self Portrait GIF

For my self portrait GIF I included three of my drawings. They were all Disney characters because I love Disney. I also decided to put in a picture of my favorite sport which is baseball and for the picture of myself I used a full body shot that I took recently.

Self Portrait GIF

I am extremely passionate about food, and the art of food presentation. These are just a few dishes I captured over the summer, some homemade some bought. Food makes me happy. And that will always stay with me, that’s why I included the swirl illustration that resembles never ending.

Golden Ratio of the Ukrainian Brawl… Distorted

The original image, from the 2015 Ukrainian Brawl, contains a golden ratio. As a result, the chaotic image of the congressmen fighting also was simultaneously very beautiful and peaceful. Therefore, I wanted to see what would happen if the golden ratio was distorted by creating a glitch in the image.


I began this project by looking up a picture of a models’s face and then decided to glitch that. I wanted to show  imperfections in picture that was supposed to be perfect. I used the textedit method along with audacity and photoshop in order to get my picture to look like this.

Developing Film


I call this “Developing Film”. Using the text edit glitch, I went in and deleted some text and wrote the word “echo” to begin with. It blacked out some of the picture and i just went with it until I got this, an undeveloped picture. I feel like it digitally shows the process of a complete picture.