Screen Tests by Rhonea Long

Inspired by Andy Warhol, I decided to do Screen Tests of me and my friends.  The idea is to put people front of a camera and see how they react. While some people wanted me to talk and ask them questions, other people had different things in mind. It’s interesting to see the contrasts.

Expressions in Seconds

On Monday, I posted this GIF to Facebook and Reddit. I was expecting more responses than what I got but they were still pretty decent. On my Facebook I got a couple “likes” and “loves” and no comments. On Reddit this was my first post so it didn’t really get any traction. I wasn’t expecting it to go viral overnight but I was expecting a little response because of where I posted it. It was like a women’s empowerment group or something.

Developing Film


I call this “Developing Film”. Using the text edit glitch, I went in and deleted some text and wrote the word “echo” to begin with. It blacked out some of the picture and i just went with it until I got this, an undeveloped picture. I feel like it digitally shows the process of a complete picture.

“Trump Devil”

For this project, I found a “Trump Devil” and decided to hang them up around the school. I placed them in Farinon and Watson Hall and they were immediately taken down. This could be due to a number of reasons: somebody didn’t agree and took upon themselves to take it down or they just couldn’t be there and were taken down by staff or faculty.  However, I did get initial responses of laughter and some sort of approval from my friends before I posted them. To me, those reactions told me that they don’t take Donald Trump seriously and that they agree with this message of the picture. The fact that this picture was made, shows the distrust a lot of American people feel. For this to be our president, I feel like it should be someone who is well respected amongst ALL the people in this country. Also, someone who meets more than the basic three requirements to be president.