Cross Lots Park

The most quiet place I could imagine was Cross Lots Park. It is a huge land trust that only a few dog owners use to walk their pets. Cross Lots is located near a road, a train station, and a candle factory so there was a variety of quiet sounds I could hear from the park.


Plane flying over head

Leaves of trees rustling in the wind

Dog in the park panting after its walk

Dog Chain sound as dog was walking


Dog barking at a different dog

Car door slamming

Train off in the distance

Footsteps of dog running

Owner talking to their dog

Me walking

Wind followed by a motorcycle driving by



Car horn



For my performance photography project I was photographed watching a baseball game. Baseball can be a slow game at times, but at other points it can get very exciting and because of that I did a few pictures laid back and a couple on the edge of my seat.  The response I got was pretty good I thought. I got a little over 100 likes and I also had four comments.

Self Portrait GIF

For my self portrait GIF I included three of my drawings. They were all Disney characters because I love Disney. I also decided to put in a picture of my favorite sport which is baseball and for the picture of myself I used a full body shot that I took recently.

Hurricane Glitch

I did a glitch of Hurricane Harvey in class and I thought it came out good so I wanted to try a new picture of the same topic. The blue represents water that comes with the rainfall and storm surges of a hurricane.  The top represents the different levels of destruction that the storm causes.

Body Image of Women Athletes

For my homework assignment I chose an image of Olympic hammer thrower Amanda Bigson from ESPN magazine. The reason I decided to pick this picture was because I believe the media has continually promoted female athletes as thin and objects of sex despite their athletic accomplishments. Because of this many female athletes struggle with body image because they cannot conform to the perfect female body due to their muscular structure. The media portrays sexism in female athletes because men are the primary target audience for sports publications. Female athletes are criticized for their physiques if they look to manly, and this does not send the correct message to female athletes that they need to be their best physically to compete. I sent this out to a few of my Snapchat friends and this confirmed the stereotype. Many gave rude remarks despite Amanda Bigson being a well respected athlete. These remarks were mainly about her body image.