My Version Of The State Theatre

The piece I decided to focus on was the State Theatre in Easton. The announcer is a women who did a tour of the theatre and she had an interview with the owner. I decided to do a mini history lesson of the theatre and how the theatre has developed over the years.


  1. Grab a photograph that you didn’t have last class
  2. Play the soundtrack while holding or looking at the photograph
  3. Enjoy yourself!

Dorm Life Sounds

The audio above is from me sitting in my dorm room. The sounds you will hear in order are; a fan blowing, facetime call, paper rustling, music playing, keyboard clicking, pen tapping, commercial playing, a person singing, more music playing and a draw opening.

The second audio is from the bathroom in my dorm. The sounds in order are; running water from the sink, tissue dispenser, paper towel rustling, bathroom door closing, toilet flushing, shower curtain closing, shower running, shower shutting off, bathroom door opening, a person washing out their mug and their spoon.



These images are from Williamsburg in Brooklyn. I grew up around this area, and my house is about 15 minutes away from Bedford Avenue. I was able to fade out the image and make the photo into black & white.

Perspectives On Races

The image I chose was of three children. Two of the children happen to be Caucasian, while the one child in the middle is Latino. I posted this picture on my instagram account and in a matter of minutes I had the attention of so many people. In one perspective this picture displays how society has a stereotype based on skin color of individuals. The child has not even been the world for more than a few hours and the future of them has already been picked. But in another perspective the photograph displays how individuals of certain backgrounds and races have progressed into certain job fields. Historically, people of color have not always have the same amount of opportunities as other individuals in society so they started to commonly work at certain jobs that were easier for them to get hired for. Thus, in the picture the maid outfit is a display of how people of color have placed themselves into certain categories of the jobs they are more than common to work at.