

I envisioned this piece as a way to talk about what is currently happening in this country.


For my soundart project, I decided to look at the consecutive floods that occurred in 2004, 2005, and 2006 within Easton. These floods devastated parts of Easton, and because their occurrences were so close in time it made it difficult for people to rebuild their lives. I wanted to capture this destruction and devastation but also the final rebuilding of Easton. This project is supposed to be listened to in a certain environment, so during class that is where we will go to hear this project.


I began this project by looking up a picture of a models’s face and then decided to glitch that. I wanted to show  imperfections in picture that was supposed to be perfect. I used the textedit method along with audacity and photoshop in order to get my picture to look like this.


I posted a picture comprised of three different photos onto snapchat. The three photos consisted of a beach-goer enjoying a nice day, a brick wall, and people walking during the flooding of Hurricane Harvey. The mixing of these three photos together was supposed to symbolize how while there are these horrible natural disasters occurring people are still able to live within themselves and can choose not to acknowledge what is happening in the world around them. The brick wall is supposed to symbolize the dichotomy between the two images. From this post I have heard a mix of responses back varying from “Privilege”, “Nature at its Finest”, and “The water coming to us”. The person who replied “Nature at its Finest” went on to explain it meant that nature was beautiful at its most calm and at its roughest. In all respects though, this picture is up for interpretation through how the viewer sees it.