Glitchin’ on social media

For this glitch assignment I pulled three different pictures three different friends of mine posted on three different social media platforms, but they all were pictures of nature. All of these pictures were edited and framed however the picture taker wanted it to be. I want the glitches to represent the appropriation and the manipulation that goes down behind the scenes of every photograph, especially nature/landscape photos. The viewer of the photo will never embrace the true experience that that photographer went through in that exact place and time. Now society is very into taking photographs of everything, but sometimes the copious amount of photographs capturing beautiful views, memorials, historical places, are all getting too manipulated and appropriated that the actual experience isn’t appreciated as much as it was once before. Photographs are amazing, don’t get me wrong I am always taking photos, however I think people should become aware that the photos don’t do justice. My father has always said that photography of landscapes and nature are all just borrowed views from mother nature, and we need to remember/appreciate that.


One Reply to “Glitchin’ on social media”

  1. After writing this I read Sontag’s article and it is exactly my point. “To photograph is to appropriate the thing photographed.” I find it very comforting to know that there are and have been many articles written about this idea of photography. I am excited to discuss further in class!

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