Easton Farmers Market – SoundArt

For my sound art project I focused on the Farmers Market. I wanted to do a sound art of the timeline throughout the farmers market. Along the way, through research, I found out some very interesting facts. Such as, this farmers market is America’s oldest open aired farmers market. I was able to download sounds from different websites of old wagons and old market like noises. I incorporated the crime period in Easton that brought the market into a depressing time period. At one point there was only one vendor, and they had to hire more people in order to keep it alive. Around the early 2000s the farmers market began to pick up again, however even today it is hard for farmers market and farmers, to sufficiently make a steady income. I interviewed Megan McBride, who is the executive director of the market, and manipulated her words in order to provide more intact and dramatic effects. The end is very chaotic because even though it is a popular thing nowadays, the farmers are still struggling and it is still hard to keep the business alive.

I put the sounds on my snapchat and a lot of people thought it was a mistake, and were confused  by the sounds. However, some actually reached out in person asking what it was about.


  1. Get to the center square(circle) in Downtown Easton.
  2. Put headphones in.
  3. Walk around and listen. Side note: imagining you are walking through the different time periods the market has lived through.
  4. Enjoy!

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