
I posted a picture comprised of three different photos onto snapchat. The three photos consisted of a beach-goer enjoying a nice day, a brick wall, and people walking during the flooding of Hurricane Harvey. The mixing of these three photos together was supposed to symbolize how while there are these horrible natural disasters occurring people are still able to live within themselves and can choose not to acknowledge what is happening in the world around them. The brick wall is supposed to symbolize the dichotomy between the two images. From this post I have heard a mix of responses back varying from “Privilege”, “Nature at its Finest”, and “The water coming to us”. The person who replied “Nature at its Finest” went on to explain it meant that nature was beautiful at its most calm and at its roughest. In all respects though, this picture is up for interpretation through how the viewer sees it.

Body Image of Women Athletes

For my homework assignment I chose an image of Olympic hammer thrower Amanda Bigson from ESPN magazine. The reason I decided to pick this picture was because I believe the media has continually promoted female athletes as thin and objects of sex despite their athletic accomplishments. Because of this many female athletes struggle with body image because they cannot conform to the perfect female body due to their muscular structure. The media portrays sexism in female athletes because men are the primary target audience for sports publications. Female athletes are criticized for their physiques if they look to manly, and this does not send the correct message to female athletes that they need to be their best physically to compete. I sent this out to a few of my Snapchat friends and this confirmed the stereotype. Many gave rude remarks despite Amanda Bigson being a well respected athlete. These remarks were mainly about her body image.

Perspectives On Races

The image I chose was of three children. Two of the children happen to be Caucasian, while the one child in the middle is Latino. I posted this picture on my instagram account and in a matter of minutes I had the attention of so many people. In one perspective this picture displays how society has a stereotype based on skin color of individuals. The child has not even been the world for more than a few hours and the future of them has already been picked. But in another perspective the photograph displays how individuals of certain backgrounds and races have progressed into certain job fields. Historically, people of color have not always have the same amount of opportunities as other individuals in society so they started to commonly work at certain jobs that were easier for them to get hired for. Thus, in the picture the maid outfit is a display of how people of color have placed themselves into certain categories of the jobs they are more than common to work at.