Golden Ratio of the Ukrainian Brawl… Distorted

The original image, from the 2015 Ukrainian Brawl, contains a golden ratio. As a result, the chaotic image of the congressmen fighting also was simultaneously very beautiful and peaceful. Therefore, I wanted to see what would happen if the golden ratio was distorted by creating a glitch in the image.


I began this project by looking up a picture of a models’s face and then decided to glitch that. I wanted to show  imperfections in picture that was supposed to be perfect. I used the textedit method along with audacity and photoshop in order to get my picture to look like this.

Developing Film


I call this “Developing Film”. Using the text edit glitch, I went in and deleted some text and wrote the word “echo” to begin with. It blacked out some of the picture and i just went with it until I got this, an undeveloped picture. I feel like it digitally shows the process of a complete picture.

Hurricane Glitch

I did a glitch of Hurricane Harvey in class and I thought it came out good so I wanted to try a new picture of the same topic. The blue represents water that comes with the rainfall and storm surges of a hurricane.  The top represents the different levels of destruction that the storm causes.

Glitchin’ on social media

For this glitch assignment I pulled three different pictures three different friends of mine posted on three different social media platforms, but they all were pictures of nature. All of these pictures were edited and framed however the picture taker wanted it to be. I want the glitches to represent the appropriation and the manipulation that goes down behind the scenes of every photograph, especially nature/landscape photos. The viewer of the photo will never embrace the true experience that that photographer went through in that exact place and time. Now society is very into taking photographs of everything, but sometimes the copious amount of photographs capturing beautiful views, memorials, historical places, are all getting too manipulated and appropriated that the actual experience isn’t appreciated as much as it was once before. Photographs are amazing, don’t get me wrong I am always taking photos, however I think people should become aware that the photos don’t do justice. My father has always said that photography of landscapes and nature are all just borrowed views from mother nature, and we need to remember/appreciate that.




These images are from Williamsburg in Brooklyn. I grew up around this area, and my house is about 15 minutes away from Bedford Avenue. I was able to fade out the image and make the photo into black & white.

“Trump Devil”

For this project, I found a “Trump Devil” and decided to hang them up around the school. I placed them in Farinon and Watson Hall and they were immediately taken down. This could be due to a number of reasons: somebody didn’t agree and took upon themselves to take it down or they just couldn’t be there and were taken down by staff or faculty.  However, I did get initial responses of laughter and some sort of approval from my friends before I posted them. To me, those reactions told me that they don’t take Donald Trump seriously and that they agree with this message of the picture. The fact that this picture was made, shows the distrust a lot of American people feel. For this to be our president, I feel like it should be someone who is well respected amongst ALL the people in this country. Also, someone who meets more than the basic three requirements to be president.

For this assignment I wanted to involve photoshop and an iconic photograph so naturally I chose our lovely quad, and placed it in a different context by editing in a UFO. Unfortunately, this week I was not able to be active on my social media so I asked my friend Alyssa who goes to James Madison University and my friend from Lafayette, Will, to post it on social media. I told Alyssa to post it on Instagram, and Will to post it on Facebook. Although this photoshop is obviously unrealistic, I really wanted to see who’s attention it would grab and analyze the peoples’ reactions while also comparing the two  social media platforms.

When analyzing the reaction of this photo, I was able to express an argument about social media that has been an ongoing issue. In class we have already talked about how easy it is to edit your photos so much so that the final product is extremely unrealistic. Going off of this argument, I have also realized how easy it is to comment whatever is on your mind almost instantaneously. This is a very dangerous thing, and has gotten many people in trouble.  On Instagram, the comments were unnecessary such as “Hm?” or “hahahah wtf.” These comments were written only just moments after the photo was released, and then after about an hour the photo was forgotten and replaced by new posts.

Although the photo was a bit too unrealistic, the comments replicated the sad fact that the majority of the generation on social media will abuse what is being posted, and not think more into the images than needed to be. I did find a slight difference between Facebook and Instagram comments. On Instagram it was a bunch of static comments that felt like primary thoughts in ones’ mind when looking at the photo. On Facebook, the comments were a little more thought out and crafted.

I believe this seems to reflect the case between the two social platforms overall. On Instagram, comments are just another number. On Facebook, I believe that the comments and posts are becoming more thoughtful and meaningful. People are able to express their beliefs and decisions through Facebook, accepting criticism or growing supporters for whatever you post. I got out of this assignment that although there may be the same photo posted on Instagram and Facebook, the reactions and comments between the two social media platforms differ, the usage of the two social media platforms differ, and the seriousness one may view the photo on Instagram versus Facebook may differ as well