Laf Hacks 2023 After the Hack!

February 18th-19th Lafayette hosted its first official Hackathon since the reformation of ACM this past fall! We were so excited to see students attend and create such fantastic projects. The 24 hour competition had several teams create clever “hacks” as solutions to various problems that they chose to work on. Everyone had a ton of … Read more

Laf Hacks 2023

We are so excited to host a 24-hour hackathon! What is a Hackathon?  A hackathon is a fun event where people build “hacks,” which are creative solutions to problems in the world. Traditionally these are projects that use some level of coding to address problems in tech, sustainability, privacy, and more! If you have an … Read more

Game Night

ACM Game Night Poster

To celebrate the end of the semester, ACM hosted a game night. We had lot of fun playing Silent Uno and Catan!  A huge shout out to Sebs Riverso ’24 for providing like all of the games 😀

Internship Night

ACM Internship Night Poster Fall 2022

ACM hosted an internship night with a panel based discussion where students shared their industry internship experiences. We also discussed tips on how to get a good internship and how to get the most out of internships. The panel featured Rory Schauder ’23, Oyu Gantumur ’23, Sakhi Naik ’24 and Josh Garcia ’24.

Painting the L for Rivalry Week!

During rivalry week, 100 clubs and organizations across campus, including ACM, painted wooden L’s that were displayed in Fischer Stadium to cheer on Lafayette’s football team. Thanks to the artistic genius of ACM members Katie Lansing ’24 and Yesenia Ramirez ’23, we created an awesome wooden L featuring our club name and a binary encoding … Read more

Fall 2022 General Body Meeting

Club photo 2022

At our first general body meeting of the year, we brainstormed and discussed the events we were planning for the semester. We had hot apple cider and delicious cupcakes, perfect for the fall weather! All CS professors and students were invited to this meeting.