
SLIcon2StratLogger is an iPad application for use in sedimentology and/or stratigraphy field projects as a complement to, or replacement for, the traditional paper geology field notebook or stratigraphic column drawing sheets.  StratLogger integrates the iPad’s GPS, camera, and data management capabilities to allow geologists to record sedimentological and stratigraphic information for successive layers in a stratigraphic column, automatically log geo-location data, and link images to each layer.  StratLogger can then export a real-time, app-produced stratigraphic column as a .jpeg file as well as each of the layer records to formatted .csv files for easy integration into digital drawing and analysis applications.  The app integrates a series of pedagogical tools intended to foster increased student learning while in the field.

Download StratLogger 1.1 HERE

*** Attention iPad mini users running iOS9!  Please update to StratLogger 1.1
(StratLogger 1.0 has crashing issues associated with scroll-wheel data input for each layer on iPad mini.  We have fixed this bug with the recent (May 2, 2016) release of StratLogger 1.1.  Free update now available on the AppStore.  We have yet to test StratLogger on the larger iPad Pro.***