Ancillary Functions
Click each header to learn more
Store Power
If areas are hazardous for humans the robot will need to store power to allow for safe operation.
Possess Storage for Aid and Supplies
Unprecedented natural disasters have recently been impacting world environments. The functionality to provide and store aid will assist those stranded due to such disasters and bring significant user impact to the product’s capabilities.
Detect Submerged Depth
When navigating submerged environments, the robot must be able to gauge the depth of robot in water and detect its proximity to the ground.
Record Audio & Video
In cases where a robot communicates more data than a human can process, it becomes important to save this information for later use. In terms of audio and visual data collected by a robot, recording seems to be a necessity.
Transmit or Produce a Rescue Signal
After converging on this particular project idea, we made a concerted effort to explore a wide range of subfunctions to maximize the impact of the robot. One of the ideas we arrived at was a signaling mechanism to aid in search and rescue efforts of operators once a user has been located.
Transmit Data
A robot like ours, which will be crossing multiple terrains, and collecting data at a distance from our team, would not only need a way to collect and store information, but then also a way send it back to us as well.