Literary Research

Mujeres que escriben también son peligrosas (Women who write are also dangerous)

Geoffrion-Vinci is currently working on a variety of research projects on such topics as ecofeminism and gendered constructions of national identity in the poetry of 19th-century Spanish writer Rosalía de Castro (Padrón, 1837-1885).  In 2014, she published a feminist translation with scholarly introduction of Castro’s renowned final poetry collection En las orillas del Sar  (1884). Entitled On the Edge of the River Sar: A Feminist Translation (Castro, Rosalía de. Ed. and trans. Michelle Geoffrion-Vinci.  Teaneck, NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson UP, 2014), this work offers a scholarly introduction to Castro’s life, political and poetic ethos, and her literary works.  It also describes the theoretical underpinnings of feminist translation as a means by which to highlight the female, feminine, and feminist aspects of a work in another language.  Her  book, Between the Maternal Aegis and the Abyss: Woman as Symbol in the Poetry of Rosalía de Castro (Madison, NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson UP, 2002), examines key symbolic components of Castro’s poetry  and the ways in which the author employs her works to construct radical new parameters for feminine subjectivity, cultural identity and political protest.  Geoffrion-Vinci has also published essays on female antiheroes, food and identity construction, and formations of l’ècriture féminine (distinctly female text) in the short narrative of contemporary Spanish author Cristina Fernández Cubas (Arenys de Mar, Barcelona, 1945-). Feminist thought and literary constructions of gender, Spanish history and politics, and Spain’s complex national and regional identities, languages and cultures figure prominently in Professor G-V’s research.

Rosalia de Castro (Padrón, 1833-1884)

Dept. of Foreign Languages & Literatures, Lafayette College